LinkedIn Advertising Strategies for B2B Companies

LinkedIn Advertising Strategies for B2B Companies
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LinkedIn is all about business, which makes it an excellent platform for B2B companies since they can target a professional crowd for quality leads. In fact, LinkedIn is responsible for 80% of B2B leads, followed by Twitter at 13%, and Facebook by 7%. This only shows that LinkedIn serves as a great venue to discover, reach, and generate quality leads for B2B companies.

Whether you’re promoting your B2B company and its products and services on LinkedIn or refining your advertising tactics, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll give you the different ways you can promote your business on LinkedIn as a B2B company. Let’s get started!

Dynamic Ads

LinkedIn Dynamic Ads is one way to show hyper-personalized ads generated and targeted based on your audience’s activity and behavior. This is an effective way to grab your audience’s attention, and hopefully capture leads, as you personalize your messages and customize your call-to-actions. 

Compared to traditional display ads, it can generate up to 2x higher click-through-rate. Thus, you can use this to direct more traffic to your landing page or your business page. 

Make sure that you identify your campaign objective and use the best ad format to enjoy positive results. For instance, you can use Follower Ads to build brand awareness by gaining more followers, and Showcase Page to start your own community. Spotlight Ads, meanwhile, is best for website conversions as you promote your products or services.  

Audience Expansion

If you’re familiar with Facebook Lookalike Audiences or Twitter Lookalike Audiences, LinkedIn has its own version of this amazing feature. It’s called Audience Expansion. This allows you to boost your campaign’s reach by showing your ads to users sharing similar attributes to your target audience. This targeting option is on by default. You can use the Audience Expansion feature for both Sponsored Updates and Text Ads. 

Audience Expansion is an automated feature, which means it requires less effort but enables you to reach the right audience. This feature is useful in targeting small audiences and helping your campaign boost its reach without the need to edit your default or existing settings. You can also use Audience Expansion to extend the life of a campaign that’s gradually starting to reduce it performance, before you put it on hold or stop it entirely. 

Promoted Content

You can make the most of your paid marketing strategy by promoting your content. Let’s say you’ve published a blog post or other type of content on LinkedIn. If you’re 100% confident that it will resonate well with your target audience, you can promote it to users beyond your main followers for more traffic and reach.

You can boost your content to show your posts on the feeds of similar audiences as “Promoted Content.” Other than the label “Promoted,” your content will still look like a normal post.

Sponsored InMail

One way to get more leads and increase your chances of being noticed by users is to send them personalized messages on LinkedIn. This is a fantastic way to build a personal relationship with users sans all the noise. 

Sponsored InMail helps attract more leads, generate conversions, target promotions, promote content (e.g. downloadable ebooks), promote webinars or other events, and more. You can develop messages or content that echoes your business’ core values and is designed to build a relationship with a user directly. Sponsored InMail will reach users regardless of which device they use to view their LinkedIn inbox. 

Video Ads

Video content attracts audiences more than a block of text. It’s a powerful marketing tool that provokes an emotional response from consumers. And since it touches different levels of emotional appeal, you can reach a broader audience with video. In LinkedIn, it was found that video ads were reaching 30% view-through rates in 2018, a year after they introduced native video. 

From explainer videos to ‘thank you’ videos, video ads can help your target audience understand who you are as a brand. It can also tell your unique story and show how cool your company is. With video ads, you can build brand awareness as well as drive qualified leads and attract new customers. You can also analyze the impact of your video campaigns to see how it performs.

Summing it up 

LinkedIn is a great channel to boost your visibility in your respective industry, generate more conversions, and attract audiences. Try these tactics to see which type of advertising can give your B2B company the best results. Don’t forget to analyze and optimize your ad strategies to improve its performance. With these LinkedIn advertising tools, you can help your business target the right business professionals, right when they need you the most.

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